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The pva film is green environmental product.It is verified by microorganism tests that pva isnon-toxic and doesn't restrain from the growth of microorganism and can be degraded totally.It has no any bad effect on environment.Once PVA is dissolved in water,specific microorganism will cause it to degrade.When treated with activated sludge,solutions of pva film will be decomposed into water and carbon dioxide.

Innovative packaging solutions, from soluble films to the packaging machine, assisting you with new product development, trial runs and etc. We can pack powders, granules and liquids in soluble films from only a few grammes to over kilos. 

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Contact: Tina

Phone: 18620779960

Tel: 020-29048195

Add:  No. 6th Fenglin Road, Qingxiu District, Nanning City

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